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Power Your Future with iStore’s Cutting-Edge Energy Solutions

Renewable energy is the way of the future—not just to save you money but also to help save our beautiful planet.

Sunshine and air are two of nature’s greatest assets, so we’d be crazy not to make use of them to power our homes and heat our water!

At iStore, we’re committed to sustainability. That involves making renewable energy accessible and affordable for everyone.

If you’re ready to sit back and soak up the savings by switching to smart iStore products, we’re ready to help!

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iStore's Solar Power Solutions

Explore our range of high quality solar products

Hybrid Solar Inverters

Hybrid solar inverters harness the suns power and turn it into electricity for immediate use while simultaneously storing any extra solar energy generated in solar batteries for later use when the sun’s not shining.

  • Energy efficiency: Maximising the amount of solar energy your system converts into usable power helps with reliance on the grid and energy bills.
  • Sustainability: By making your solar system more efficient, you rely less on fossil fuels to power your home, reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Safety and reliability: With AI-powered detection and built-in protection against power surges, overheating, and grid issues, your system will run safely and consistently.
  • User-friendly monitoring: Easily track and control energy production and usage with an iStore WLAN dongle or smart logger.

Solar Batteries

Thanks to their solar storage capabilities, iStore solar batteries boast these benefits:

  • Savings: Storing excess solar energy that would otherwise go to waste helps make the most of your solar system investment and lowers your energy bills.
  • Flexibility: Their modular design allows you to add battery modules to increase your home's energy storage reserves. Batteries can scale from 5 to an impressive 30 kilowatt-hours of energy storage.
  • Safety: Made from safer and more stable lithium iron phosphate with four layers of built-in protection, including self-extinguishing components.

Heat Pump Technology

Home Water Heating

The iStore heat pump extracts thermal energy from the air and uses it to heat water. If you have PV installed, it can offset excess photovoltaic (PV) energy generated by your solar panels. This helps power the water heating process, which will maximise the benefits of your solar system and save money.

How much money? Well, considering the fact that our heat pumps use 75–85% less electricity than traditional water heaters, you can expect significant savings on your energy bills!

What other benefits can you expect?

  • Economical operation: Four modes that adapt to different situations to optimise energy usage, including a hybrid mode for when extra people are staying at your place and a vacation mode for when you’re away.
  • Sustainability: Relying on renewable thermal energy helps reduce your carbon footprint. The iStore heat pump consumes approximately only 500 watts of energy per hour during the air-to-energy heating process and can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 2.9 tonnes!
  • Versatility: Two pump sizes are available to cover the water heating needs of homes of all sizes.

Government incentive: Pricing is the most competitive in the world thanks to the Federal Government's STC discounts.

Pool Heating

An iStore pool heater lets you and your family enjoy swimming all year round.

Typical pool heaters draw in air and extract warmth from it using a heat pump. This warmth is then transferred to the pool water as it circulates through the heater.

The heat pump in an iStore pool heater uses a titanium thread heat exchanger, which delivers 30% higher heating efficiency than standard heat exchangers. Our heater warms your pool faster while using less energy—saving you time and money!

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