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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

The Great iStore Giveaway!

Purchase from our new iStore inverter or battery to go into the draw to win a BYD Dolphin Electric Vehicle and more. Over $100k prizes to be won!

1st prize: BYD Dolphin Electric Vehicle

2nd prize: iStore solar battery

3rd prize: iStore heat pump

Additional prizes: vouchers are available through our iStore Giveaway Monthly Prize Draw.

  1. Registration via the Univers EMS app is required (Apple Store, Google Store). Both solar retailers and end customers have a chance to win an Electric Vehicle, iStore solar battery and iStore heat pump. There is a double entry for each purchase - one for the solar retailer and one for the end customer.
  2. For the monthly prize draw vouchers, like, tag and share our new iStore Home socials to win.

Terms & Conditions apply. Purchase from our new range of iStore product line-ups to go into the draw to win.  iStore Retailer Give-Away Terms & Conditions. iStore Customer Give-Away Terms & Conditions


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